Login to the Commander SMS link on your desktop.

Click the Reporting tab at the top of the page.

Under that click Cashier Tracking.

You will see a screen like this one. ß

Click the Edit button to the right of what type of item you want to track.






If you edit the Department Tracking it will look like this, just place a check

next to the departments you wish to see on the report.









If you edit the PLU tracking the next screen looks like this.  Here just hit Retrieve

Page button below.  This will bring up a list of all PLUs in our system, check the

ones you want to show on the report.  You can search for individual PLUs but if

you select one it will delete your previous selections showing on the report.







The PLU selection menu looks like this.  Notice the Pages drop down at the bottom.

This is how you can go through all of the system PLUs to check the ones you want.